
The Meaning Path

The Meaning Path is for people seeking more purpose, depth, and possibility — at a slower pace. Join us for inspiration and support on your path to courageously creating what matters to you.

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The End — 100th Special!

Read on #100 – 19 Apr 2024 Welcome! In case you missed it — last week I announced: I am ending this newsletter (The Matt K. Head Letter) I am rolling this email list into my other newsletter (The Meaning Path) And… Why I am going back to being an employee, after 4 years working for myself Wow… Newsletter number 100! Who would have thought I would get this far? That’s a lot of writing, a lot of fun, and a lot of showing up when I don’t feel like it. And so my 100th letter. I’ve...

#99 – 12 Apr 2024 Welcome! It’s been almost four years since I got made redundant at my finance job during the pandemic. I can still feel the pain, the uncertainty, the unsettling feeling of being lost. But after that initial upheaval of my world turning upside down, it wasn’t so bad… What an incredible chapter of experimentation it kicked off — I became a writer and coach! Something I had been longing to do but could never find the time or bandwidth to do. I’m now eternally grateful for that...

Read on Read time: 4 minutes #98 – 05 Apr 2024 Welcome! You anxiously clench your fists together. Then release, as roll your head around your neck, trying to loosen up. It doesn’t work. You brush the sides of your tight jaw, then take a deep breath. You’ve been spinning around for hours inside your head. But you still can’t decide which option to choose? This isn’t just any choice, like what to eat for lunch. No, it’s a strategic decision. It can make or break your future. So...

Read on Read time: 7 minutes #97 – 22 Mar 2024 Welcome! “Oh no!” I exclaimed in my head. It was my newsletter’s due date. And guess what? I had not written anything yet! It’s been a busy week. Lots going on with work. Kids to manage. You know the drill. The newsletter had been weighing on my mind, but nothing was really calling me yet. In recent months, I have been having fun playing with it, waiting until an idea grabs me in a way that I HAVE to write about it. It’s amazing how...

Read on Read time: 8 minutes #96 – 15 Mar 2024 Welcome! “Hmmm”, he got me thinking, “Every experience is different.” I was on a call with my Mastermind group this week, and our conversation about work unexpectedly took a curious leap into what really matters. Today, I want to share 3 standout points with you: IDEA 1: Your work will break your heart “What!” you exclaim, “Work will break my heart?” Yes, my friend. It is inevitable. Now, I know this might not seem obvious at first,...

Read on Read time: 7 minutes #95 – 08 Mar 2024 Welcome! I couldn’t sleep. Something felt off. I couldn’t pinpoint what it was. But something was nagging me from deep within. You know that feeling, right? In a desperate attempt to make sense of my situation, I looked across at my bedside bookshelf. “Hmmm…. What’s it gonna be?” My wandering hand gravitated to Awareness by Anthony De Mello. “Yeah, this might help. Let’s see what he can deliver.” Without hesitation, I shuffled my...

Read on Read time: 3 minutes #94 – 01 Mar 2024 Welcome! Are you a thought leader? Or do you desire to be seen as a thought leader? Here’s a line to disrupt your world: Normal doesn’t work in 2024 and beyond. My creative friend and marketer, Aleana Kali, said that to me. She continued: There is no more space to do boring marketing anymore. It’s not that people aren’t interested. It’s that creativity has to be through the roof! You have to be a trendsetter. And the trick is, you...

Read on Read time: 4 minutes #93 – 23 Feb 2024 Welcome! I’ve been coaching leaders for over 3 years now. What an incredible journey it has been so far. Nothing is more rewarding than helping others grow into their potential and realise their ambitious goals. And it’s always so inspiring as everyone’s journey is unique and non-linear, whether they are corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, or creators. Just last week, I felt goosebumps rise on my skin as someone told me their...

Read on Read time: 2 minutes #92 – 16 Feb 2024 Welcome! I grew up on a farm in rural South Australia. You were taught: Work hard. Be genuine. Do the right thing. Look people in the eye. Have a firm handshake. Slow down to speed up. Always go the extra mile. Community is everything. Choose deep over shallow. Listen to the seasons of life. Be generous with your time. Find a way to get things done. Do what you say you’re gonna do. Always consider the “greater good”. Don’t let the...

Read on Read time: 7 minutes #91 – 09 Feb 2024 Welcome! Today I’m feeling energised & excited. I just returned from a walk where I reflected on my week of coaching. And you know what I realised? I need to do this more. It was a beautiful day, and the insights were exploding in my brain. I might make it a Friday ritual to get out on that walk, clear my head, and reflect on what I learned, what worked, and what didn’t. I encourage you to do the same on your path to mastery of your...