#92 Struggling To Stand Out? The Value Of Leading With Character

Read on mattkhead.com

Read time: 2 minutes

#92 – 16 Feb 2024


I grew up on a farm in rural South Australia.

You were taught:

  • Work hard.
  • Be genuine.
  • Do the right thing.
  • Look people in the eye.
  • Have a firm handshake.
  • Slow down to speed up.
  • Always go the extra mile.
  • Community is everything.
  • Choose deep over shallow.
  • Listen to the seasons of life.
  • Be generous with your time.
  • Find a way to get things done.
  • Do what you say you’re gonna do.
  • Always consider the “greater good”.
  • Don’t let the weather get you down.
  • Enjoy yourself when it’s time to play.
  • Don’t be afraid to “get your hands dirty”.
  • Be polite, kind and welcoming to everyone.
  • Help out your neighbours when they are in need.
  • Things outside your control will happen, and that’s ok.

I never thought these traits were anything special; they were the norm in our community.

I assumed my farm upbringing would be a major disadvantage when I moved to the city to commence my corporate career.

But I was wrong.

And this was most strikingly clear when I moved overseas to work in London, UK.

The culture was fast-paced, competitive and cutthroat.

But I kept being myself.

And you know what? It worked, wonderfully!

I noticed these character traits now stood out like a lighthouse of hope. There was a kinder and more human-first way to lead through the corporate chaos.

Don’t overlook the character values you hold dear.

They are your beacon of strength.

Make a list like I did above.

How can you start to lead with them more?

That’s it!




Here’s a valuable quote my friend Brand shared with me today:

“Don’t inherit goals without sanity checking them.
Don’t outsource them to society.
By default, society prioritizes vanity metrics because even the lazy can achieve them.”
— Julian Shapiro

Do you get sucked into vanity metrics? Tempting, right?

Remember to stay true to what really matters.


Short newsletter today. It’s been one of those weeks… Kids got sick, my wife got sick, then I got sick 😩.

Luckily, we snuck in a family beach trip before all that happened (pic below).

Wishing you a fabulous weekend!

I pondered this quote while staring at the white sands, beautiful blue ocean, and sky.

“It always pays to dwell slowly on the beautiful things
– the more beautiful the more slowly.”
– Atticus

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1. Rent Matt’s Brain

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Thanks for reading!

The Meaning Path

The Meaning Path is for people seeking more purpose, depth, and possibility — at a slower pace. Join us for inspiration and support on your path to courageously creating what matters to you.

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